Thursday, October 1, 2009

Second Scatch Film Junkies response

I liked this one better then the first film, we watched earlier this semster. It seems like there was a lot of things going on in the film. There are things that i seen on their film that i still wonder how or what they used to do it, but for the most part i kinda have an idea on how or they made the film.

I just wonder if they plan everthing or most of it, or do they do it as they go and see what they come up with. I like planning moments that i want, but not the whole thing, cause i like to be surprised to see what i come up with. This is how i did the first two projects. I did what came to my mind at that moment and let it brench off from there. I find that it is more creative for me that way and most of the time it is better then something that i plan everything for.

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