Wednesday, September 30, 2009

sound reading

I believe that sound is much more then an added piece to a film. It is true that films do not need sound, like silent and some experimental films. Sound is as much important to films as the picture is. In a well made war film, if it had no sound and all you see are muzzle flashes, artillery hitting the ground, and men getting shot or killed, you would not get the full experience. Sure you can picture it in your mind, but you still won't know the full power of the film or sence. Hearing a shot striking a body, the deafen loudness of an artillery blast, and the sound of the guns firing, and the screams of orders and dying men is nesscary for a war film. In movies that have a lot of dialogue, how would you know what they are saying if you can't hear them?

If sound is an added piece to film, then film is an added piece to sound. Earlier in the 1900s, Orson Welles did his famous War of the Worlds broadcast that made the country to go in a painic. This was done with just sound and no picture or film at all.

Here is a link to a part of the boardcast:

Sound cues things that are happening, that happen off screen. When you see a character on the screen and a loud noise catches the character by surpise, it does the sam for the audience too. We are surprise as much as the character in the movie, which connects the audience to the character through the use of sound.

Sound does not change the mood of the film or picture. I think that is bullshit. You see someone get a nail hammered through his hand, you see blood and all that good stuff, but adding sound wouldn't change the meaning or tone of the film, but connect us more with the the pain of the person, the sound lets you feel the pain in you bones and lingers on after you seen that sence.

Overall, i thought the reading was hard to follow, and i thought i wrote bad. I most have fallen asleep three times by keep reading what i just read so i could somewhat understand what he is talking about. thats it. i believe thats all folks!!!!!!!!!!

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